Our infant program was engineered using the most up to date information available and is  complemented by methods and practices that have continually passed the test of time.  By utilizing associative learning techniques, we assist in the formation of solid neural networks that serve as the foundation for higher learning.  Infants are developmentally in a critical stage as their brains are rapidly growing and as such, should be in an environment that puts their safety and education first!   Here at Just for Kids, we do just that while providing the tender, loving care that every child deserves!


Clients can expect our staff to provide assistance with:


  • Motor Skill Development

    • Crawling, grasping, standing, walking and more!

    • Gentle touching

  • Language Development

    • Basic sounds

    • Word formation

      • Approximations are used at first as infants learn how to transition from primary sounds into recognizable words

    • Basic sign language

      • Please, more, thank you, etc.

    • Two to three word sentence structures by 24 months of age

      • Sentence building is a key technique here as children are coached at first to use words individually, then advance quickly into connecting words together to form meaning and understanding.  Communication is a process that requires a piecemeal approach.

  • Object Identification

    • Flashcards

    • Connecting kids with their surroundings.

  • Associative Learning

    • The groundwork for forming strong connections and neuron creation in developing brains! Children are encouraged to draw as many associations between the current curriculum and experiences they’ve had in their lives to solidify the content. During this process, students share their associations with their peers to help them draw a greater understanding of the presented material.